Colour is an important aspect of human perception and plays a significant role in various aspects of our lives, from art and design to psychology and culture. There are countless names of colors that are used in different languages and cultures around the world.. In this article, we have compiled a list of colours name in English.
Colours name in English: Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Pink, Gray, Black, White, Brown, Orange, Purple, Indigo, Maroon, Cyan, Peach..
What is a Colour?
Colors, also spelled “colours,” are a visual sensation created by the interaction of light, objects, and the human eye. When light hits an object, the object absorbs some wavelengths of light and reflects others. The colors we perceive are the result of the wavelengths of light that are reflected back to our eyes.
The human eye contains specialized cells called cones that are sensitive to different wavelengths of light. There are three types of cones that are sensitive to red, green, and blue light. When these cones are stimulated by light, they send signals to the brain that are interpreted as colors
List of Colours Name in English with colour Code
Sr. No. | Colors with name in English | Colour Code |
1 | Red | #FF0000 |
2 | Green | #008000 |
3 | Blue | #0000FF |
4 | Yellow | #FFFF00 |
5 | Orange | #FFA500 |
6 | Purple | #800080 |
7 | Pink | #FFC0CB |
8 | Brown | #A52A2A |
9 | Gray | #808080 |
10 | Black | #000000 |
11 | White | #FFFFFF |
12 | Maroon | #800000 |
13 | Lavender | #6B66FF |
14 | Navy Blue | #000080 |
15 | Sky Blue | #87CEEB |
16 | Gold | #FFD700 |
17 | Silver | #C0C0C0 |
18 | Bronze | #CD7F32 |
19 | Lavender | #E6E6FA |
20 | Violet | #EE82EE |
21 | Indigo | #4B0082 |
22 | Magenta | #FF00FF |
23 | Saffron | #FF9933 |
24 | Cyan | #00FFFF |
25 | Teal | #008080 |
26 | Turquoise | #40E0D0 |
27 | Coral | #FF7F50 |
28 | Olive | #808000 |
29 | Peach | #FFE5B4 |
30 | Amber | #FFBF00 |
31 | Crimson | #DC143C |
32 | Salmon | #FA8072 |
33 | Beige | #F5F5DC |
34 | Mint | #98FF98 |
35 | Rust | #8B3103 |
36 | Ruby | #E0115F |
37 | Emerald | #50C878 |
38 | Sapphire | #0F52BA |
39 | Pearl | #EAE0C8 |
40 | Orchid | #DA70D6 |
41 | Ivory | #FFFFF0 |
42 | Mustard | #FFDB58 |
43 | Azure | #007FFF |
44 | Khaki | #F0E68C |
45 | Plum | #DDA0DD |
46 | Tan | #D2B48C |
47 | Wheat | #F5DEB3 |
48 | Chartreuse | #7FFF00 |
49 | Sienna | #A0522D |
50 | Chocolate | #D2691E |
51 | Forest | #228B22 |
52 | Mauve | #E0B0FF |
53 | Periwinkle | #CCCCFF |
54 | Fuchsia | #FF00FF |
55 | Aqua | #00FFFF |
56 | Cream | #FFFDD0 |
57 | Charcoal | #36454F |
58 | Tangerine | #f28500 |
59 | Burgundy | #800020 |
60 | Lilac | #C8A2C8 |
61 | Umber | #635147 |
62 | Mocha | #967969 |
63 | Lime Green | #00FF00 |
64 | Lemon Yellow | #FFF44F |
65 | Grape Vine | #6F2DA8 |
Types of Colour (Colors with Name)
There are many ways to classify colors, and different systems and models have been developed to categorize them based on various criteria. Here are some common types of color classification:
Primary Colour: Primary colours are the basic colours that cannot be created by mixing other colors. The primary colours are Red, Blue, and Yellow. These colors are considered primary because they are pure and cannot be created by combining other colours. When these primary colors are mixed together, they create secondary colours. For example, when red and blue are mixed together, they create purple. When blue and yellow are mixed, they create green, and when red and yellow are mixed, they create orange.
Secondary Colours: Secondary colours are colors that are created by mixing two primary colours together. The three secondary colors are Green (created by mixing blue and yellow), Purple (created by mixing blue and red), and Orange (created by mixing red and yellow). Secondary colors are not pure, but they are still considered to be fundamental colors in color theory. They are an important concept in art, design, and visual communication because they can be used to create a wide range of other colors.
Tertiary Colours: Tertiary colours are colours that are created by mixing one primary color with one secondary colour. There are six tertiary colors: red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-purple, and red-purple. Tertiary colors are important in color theory because they allow for a more nuanced and complex range of colors. They are created by combining pure primary and secondary colors in varying proportions.
Color combination example (Colours Name)
Here’s an example of a table of colors with a mix of color one and color two, and a last column for the result:
Color One | Color Two | Result |
Red | Blue | Purple |
Yellow | Blue | Green |
Red | Yellow | Orange |
Blue | Green | Teal |
Yellow | Green | Lime |
Red | Green | Brown |
Pink | Yellow | Peach |
Blue | Red | Magenta |
Green | Blue | Cyan |
Purple | Blue | Indigo |
Red | White | Pink |
Green | Yellow | Chartreuse |
Brown | Yellow | Beige |
Black | White | Gray |
Note: When mixing colors, the result color will depend on the specific shade of each color and the proportion of each color used in the mix.
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Colours Name in Hindi and English
Colours Name in Tamil and English